Monday, July 4, 2011

Cleaning House - Wing Chun Island 台北詠春拳 (Taipei, Taiwan)

I have been trying to catch up with some of the more mundane aspects of running Wing Chun Island. Here is what has been going on lately....

  • Started the facebook group Wing Chun Island 台北詠春拳 (Taipei, Taiwan). It is a closed group so let me know if I forgot to add you or you are a prospective student that would like to join. 
  • I went through the blog and took out posts without much content.
  • I got google+ but will wait and see how it goes before I attempt to use it for any class communications.
  • Classes continue in the summer heat. Lots of people asking about classes. We'll see how many show up.
  • I will try to get some time to film more of our classes and put together something that I am willing to put up for the general public. 
  • Have a great summer!